We've broken it down into four steps to help you get up and running. 1. Add Assessment Activities A...
The Gradebook is available to all students and will list their grades that have been recorded. The entire Gradebook...
Any eClass assessment activities (i.e. Assignments, quizzes, etc.) will automatically appear in the Gradebook once they are added to...
Gradebook allows you to configure whether or not you wish to display the grades for all activities with the...
It is possible to organize your Gradebook into categories. For example, you may have categories for Quizzes, Assignments and/or...
In most courses at York, the grading strategy is comprised of a set of assessments, each carrying their own...
By default, grades are set to display two decimal places. This applies to the assessment activity and to its...
Depending on the grading scheme used in a course, the standard Moodle grade book options may not provide accurate...
Display Letter Grades for Numerical Marks You enter numerical marks for assessment activities, and then display the equivalent letter...
You can export an eClass Gradebook in several different file formats to work outside of eClass. There are a...
There are times when you would like to drop the lowest grade(s) in a set of assessments. Whether these...
The Gradebook setup page in eClass may be used to rearrange grade items. Follow the steps below to rearrange...
Eclass supports adding extra credit for activities. However, this is done by adding an extra grade column in gradebook...
A grade calculation is a formula used to determine grades, based on other grade items. Note that this is...
How to release grades Click the cogwheel and select Edit settings from the drop-down menu, as you can see...
Assigning bonus grades in Gradebook You can assign Bonus Marks to your students using the Offset feature in the...
eClass allows you to delay the release of students' grades manually, or at a scheduled time. This can be...
How Exclude Empty Grades works: Exclude Empty Grades is enabled for a specific grade item or category: Empty grades...