Once you are officially assigned to the course you are teaching through our Academic Resource Management System (ARMS), you...
Groups are useful if you want to allocate certain activities to particular groups or if you want to filter...
A Grouping is two or more groups joined together for the purpose of doing an activity. For example, you...
What is Attendance? Attendance is an optional feature that allows instructors to report attendance in face-to-face classes into eClass....
Scheduler is a tool that instructors can use to allow students to sign up for face-to-face appointments through eClass....
The Choice activity is useful as a poll to allow a class to vote on a direction for the...
By default, eClass will create links to resources and activities within a course. In other words, if you create...
When editing your courses on eClass, it’s normal to wonder what the course you’re making looks like for your...
If you accidentally deleted an activity (assignment, forum, quiz) or resource (file, label, URL), you can restore it from...
Pearson has upgraded their integration service with eClass, therefore the Pearson MyLab & Mastering is obsolete. The instructions below...
If you have unwanted grade items in eClass Step 1: Log in to eClass Log in to eclass.yorku.ca using...