Replying to a Forum post

  1. In your course home page, click the Forum link .Clicking on the forum activity icon from the main eClass page

  2. Click the title of the desired message you want to post a response to.Selecting a discussion to reply to


    Note that replies to the original post are indented, so be sure to select the Reply link of the appropriate post so that your post is placed in the correct location.

  3. Click the Reply link at the bottom right of the post. A text box will appear for you to compose your message.
    Composing a reply in the textbox
    • If your instructor has set up group forums they may have allowed you to have read-only access to other groups’ forums.
    • Note that you will not be able to reply to posts authored by students in other groups.

    Advanced features (Add attachments and subscribe to discussion)

    • Click the Advanced link to reveal additional options.

      Advanced options button location (lower right)
    • Select whether you would like to receive e-mail notifications when other participants reply to your post by checking the Discussion subscription box
    • Depending on how the instructor set up the forum, attachments may/may not be available. If you would like to attach a file to your post, drag the file from your local computer and drop it in the marked area (dashed rectangle). Click Post to forum when you are done.

      File dropbox for adding files (centre screen)

  4. A green confirmation message will appear informing you that you have fifteen minutes to edit your post. Once that window elapses, the post cannot be edited.
    Confirmation screen displaying a 15 minute window to make changes.

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