Manage Forum notifications

Adjust how you want to receive notifications from forums

What is a thread in forum?

A Forum is an online discussion board which is typically used as an asynchronous communication tool. Depending on the goal of the forum and how it is set up, you can post messages to all participants or to only a group of participants in the course.

Each forum can contain several discussion threads—a thread is a series of related message posts and replies. eClass also allows you to subscribe to a forum so that any new posts are automatically e-mailed to you.

Manage Forum Settings in Your eClass Profile

There are a few settings in your eClass profile that allow you to control certain behaviours of forum post notifications. To access the Forum preferences:

  1. Once logged in to eClass, click on the arrow to the right of your profile picture - if you have not uploaded any profile picture, your initial will be displayed - at the top right corner and select Preferences from the drop-down menu.
    Accessing your profile by clicking on your profile picture or initials, and selecting Preferences
  2. In the User account column, choose Forum preferences 

    Selecting the Forum preferences under User account
  3. We suggest the following settings for Forum preferences

    A list of  Forum preferences options
  • Email digest type: When No digest option is selected, you can have email messages sent each time a post (or reply) is added to forums to which you subscribe. Alternatively, you may choose to receive all emails from eClass in one daily digest message, either with the complete message(s) or just the subject titles from forums you subscribe to. 
  • Forum auto-subscribe: By selecting "yes", you are automatically subscribed to any forum to which you post a message. This means that you receive email copies of all messages for these forums. You may unsubscribe from forums whenever you want.
  • Forum tracking: When "yes" is selected, this highlights unread forum messages, so you can quickly see what’s new.

Subscribing/Unsubscribing to Forums

eClass has a subscription feature that sends post notifications to the e-mail address you have specified in your eClass profile every time discussion occurs in any forum you are subscribed to.

I want to subscribe /unsubscribe from a specific forum:

  1. From your course homepage, choose the forum you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from.

    Selecting the forum activity
  2. Click on the Subscribe to forum button on the top right to Subscribe to the forum. You may click on the Unsubscribe from forum to stop receiving e-mail notifications from the forum.

    Subscribe to forum button location, upper right. 

Why I can't unsubscribe?

You cannot modify the subscription mode for any forums where the subscription is forced, such as Course Announcements.

I want to stop all e-mail notifications from forums:

How can I stop all e-mail notifications?

My course has multiple forums, but I only want to subscribe to a few:

  1. On your course home page, click on Activities in the course ribbon and select Forum. This allows you to manage the settings of each of the forums in your chosen course (except the Course Announcements/News Forum).

    Navigating to the Forums options, via Activities in the top red navigation bar.
  2. You can view the subscription status of all Forums in the Subscribed column of the Forums table.
  • To subscribe to individual forums: Click on the No button in the Subscribed column of the discussion for which you would like to subscribe. This will change the subscription status to Yes.
  • To unsubscribe from individual forums: Click the Yes button in the Subscribed column of the discussion for which you would like to be unsubscribed. This will change the subscription status to No.

    Forums summary page, showing subscription statuses
  • To subscribe to all forums: Click Subscribe to all forums link at the top right. A green confirmation message appears notifying you of your subscription change.
  • To unsubscribe from all forums: Click Unsubscribe from all forums at the top right. A green confirmation message appears notifying you of your subscription change.

    General forums page, with options to subscribe to all forums, and unsubscribe from all forums, upper right.
  • Email digest type: By default, this setting will be the same as in Forum Preferences. However, if you want to specify a different digest style for individual forums, you can click the Drop down in the Email digest type column to choose a different digest type.

    Email digest selection - Forums page

I have subscribed to forums, but I don't receive any email notifications.

You will have to update your forum and notification preferences within your eClass profile. Visit How do I receive forum notifications by email?

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