When using Panopto, you may encounter a scenario where you launched the app, and only afterwards connected your headset or external mic.
Panopto App
In the classroom environment, or on your own device with the Panopto app loaded, once you have logged into the application, you may select your mic after pressing the Create New Recording button.
You will then be brought to the session's setup screen. On the left side of the app, there will be a window that lets you select the audio:
Clicking on Audio will bring up a list of currently connected potential input sources:
Select the desired input source. If you do not see it, make sure it is connected - you may need to disconnect and reconnect it, making sure your OS is accepting it and that any popups with questions are answered to ensure the correct configuration.
Once the recording begins and is underway, the input sources may not be changed.
Panopto Web
Log into the Panopto web application with your Passport York user credentials. You will be brought to your Home screen, where anything shared with you will be available. If you wish to create a new recording, click on +Create in the top left corner of the screen.
A menu will appear - the first two choices are for recording:
The top selection will launch the Panopto App, in this example, for Mac, but it does have a Windows equivalent if installed on a Windows machine. Selecting that will launch the app described in the Panopto App portion of this document.
If you wish to capture in the browser, select Panopto Capture. You will be brought to this window:

You may select the desired microphone by clicking on Audio and selecting the desired inputs. To switch between them, hover over the input and press Switch.

In the browser interface, you are able to switch between the audio inputs on the fly.
Additional information is available here.